Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Hedonists Attempt at the New Year’s Resolution

It’s that time of year again; New Year’s Eve is quickly approaching and with it the New Year’s resolution. To resolve or no to resolve that is my question.

I regularly waffle between setting a new year’s resolution and not. Mostly because I have yet to keep one and hate letting myself down. The other reason and why it is I never manage to keep a resolution I have no discipline! The only way I am ever going to achieve my resolution is with an ironclad plan and lots of personal support.

So… I have decided to set a resolution this year instead of continuing to live my self-indulgent lifestyle. Not that I don’t enjoy my hedonism, well most days anyway. My problem is it’s taking a toll. While my health is not yet suffering from carrying the excess weight I have packed on over the years, my ego is.

As I said before I’m not great at making plans and keeping them, you know the whole discipline issue. But I have an idea and I might just be able to make it into a plan. Wait, yes that is definitely a plan forming. Ok, here we go.

My 2009 New Year’s Resolution Plan

First, I need to join a gym. Lucky for me there is one about two blocks from my apartment. Being no great lover of exercise in the first place, I definitely need to find fun and different ways to get my blood pumping. Unfortunately walking or running around the neighborhood can never do that for me, especially when it is the dead of winter and below freezing outside.

Next, I’ll create a weekly exercise plan. I’m thinking two to three days to start with. Now my list will need to have a place to check off what I have actually accomplished as well as a comments sections to track any problems I had i.e. not exercising, and what may have caused them e.g. laziness, soreness and the like.

Moving right along, a food journal is a great idea and something I have done before. I’m going to try a dumbed down version without the tedious calorie counting I have done in the past. Not that I haven’t had some measure of success with that but it has never been long lived, mostly because it ends up being to much work and that directly conflicts with my main hedonistic edict: “work as little as possible and when you do, it better be easy or at least enjoyable.”

In keeping with that thought, I will need to reward myself for any milestones I achieve such as sticking to my exercise regimen or loosing X number of pounds. I mean what’s the point of doing this whole resolution thing if I don’t get anything out of it. Of course, there are those people that say the reward will be accomplishing the resolution. Bah! I need extra help along the way to keep me on track. If it were as easy as putting my mind to it and doing it, I’d still be a hot little thing turning heads. The best way for me to determine how and when to reward myself will be some sort of reward catalog. Each level I reach will have rewards to choose from with the bigger and harder landmarks having better choices.

What’s left? Oh yeah, seeing as self-control isn’t my strong suit a workout buddy or diet buddy will be in order. Someone other than me to keep me in line or at least accountable for my actions. Shouldn’t be too hard. I’ll just make the hubby join me in getting healthier and loosing weight. Lord knows he can use it to.

So there it is. I’m sure I’ll have to tweek it some and actually put in a little work setting up this plan, although not too much work. After all, I don’t want to have my hedonist lifetime membership revoked. I just want to look good while living it up.

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