Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mermaid Gloves

So I finally decided to publish my first knitting pattern. Although I must note it isn't truly mine. I took a current fingerless gloves pattern that had been adapted from a sock pattern then I revamped it to have half fingers. So this is a variation of a variation. But since I promised it to one of the lady's in my knitting meetup group I'm posting, finally.

Mermaid Gloves

CO 72 sts. Divide sts evenly between 3 needles (24 sts on each needle), place marker and join to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist.
Round 1: [P1, k1 tbl] to end.
Repeat this round 5 times more.

Set-Up Round: [Yo, k2tog, (p1, k1 tbl) five times] to end of round. (The sequence will be repeated twice for each needle, or 6 times in total.)
Work Rounds 2-22 of Chart A.
*Rearrange stitches on needles as follows:
Move first stitch from Needle 1 to Needle 3 by knitting the first stitch on Needle 1 through the back loop onto Needle 3.
Move first stitch from Needle 2 to end of Needle 1.
Move first stitch from Needle 3 to end of Needle 2.
Work Rounds 1-22 of Chart A.
Repeat from * 1 or 2 times more depending on desired length.

Thumb Gusset
After second or third repeat of Chart A.

Row 1 : Knit 12 stitches in pattern for right hand or 60 sts in pattern for left hand. Place marker. Make 1 (M1 - pick up 'running thread' between the stitch just knit, and the one about to be knit, place on LH needle, knit into the stitch), place marker (1 st). Knit rest of round in pattern.

Row 2 : Knit in pattern to first marker.
SM, M1, K1, M1, SM (3 sts).
Knit rest of round in pattern.
Row 3 : Knit in pattern to marker.
SM, K1, M1, K1, M1, K1, SM (5 sts).
Knit rest of round as set.
Row 4 : Knit in pattern to marker.
SM, K1, M1, P1, K1, P1, M1, K1, SM (7 sts).
Knit rest of round as set.
Row 5: Knit in pattern to marker.
SM, K1, M1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, M1, K1, SM (9 sts).
Knit rest of round as set.
Continue increasing the stitches in the thumb gusset in this manner until there are 17 stitches between the markers. Keep the thumb gusset section in [K1 tbl, P1] ribbing. Complete the repeat of Chart A.

Knit 7 rows of Chart A. In each row, knit across the thumb gusset stitches in ribbing.
Row 8 : Put thumb gusset stitches onto waste yarn. Knit rest of round in pattern as set.
Row 9 : Knit the round in pattern, knitting across from the end of the first pattern repeat (12 sts) to the second one, leaving the thumb gusset stitches sitting on the outside of the glove.

Knit remaining rows in pattern to end of Chart A.

1st Finger - Knit 10 sts in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing. Place next 52 stitches on waste yarn or large stitch holder. Cast on 4 stitches then knit remaining 10 stitches in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing. Divide 24 stitches onto 3 needles and knit in ribbing for 1 ½ inches or until comfortably past knuckle. Bind off in pattern and cut yarn.

2nd Finger - Knit 9 stitches from back of hand in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing then pick up 4 sts from 1st finger gusset. Knit 9 stitches from palm of hand in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing, then cast on 4 sts for gusset. Divide 26 sts between 3 DPNs and knit in ribbing for 1 ¾ inch or until comfortably past knuckle. Bind off in pattern and cut yarn.

¨Note: Make sure the ribbing is in pattern around the entire finger. It may be necessary to k2tog or cast on an extra stitch between the gussets to do so.

3rd finger - Knit 8 stitches from back of hand in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing then pick up 4 sts from 1st finger gusset. Knit 8 stitches from palm of hand in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing, then cast on 4 sts for gusset. Divide 24 sts between 3 DPNs and knit in ribbing for 1 ½ inch or until comfortably past knuckle. Bind off in pattern and cut yarn.

4th finger - Knit remaining 16 stitches in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing then pick up 4 sts from finger gusset. Divide 20 sts between 3 DPNs and knit in ribbing for 1 ¾ inch or until comfortably past knuckle. Bind off in pattern and cut yarn.

Thumb - slip 17 thumb sts to 2 needles pick up and knit 11 sts along the inside edge of the glove. M1 as many times as necessary on either side of the original 17 stitches. The work in k1 tbl, p1 ribbing for ½ to ¾ of an inch or until comfortably past knuckle. Bind off in pattern and cut yarn.

Weave in ends and wear with joy!

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