Friday, May 9, 2014

A New Plan

        So I have decided to switch up the purpose of this blog. Seeing as I wasn't really using it for anything and now need a website to post my poetry and other writings. Tada, presto chango, this is now a blog of my work. Now the question becomes how to go about transcribing my pieces. Start with the earliest and work forward, the newest and go backwards or skip around haphazardly picking and choosing my favorites? I think the latter works best for now. So let us get to it.

Semicircle hanging brightly
Behind silhouetted wisps.
Lonely as it shines
Waning toward nothingness.
It sits stilly
And yet imperceptibly 
Arcs towards 
Its inevitable demise,
Only to return again
Slightly diminished from before
On its endless journey
Of death and rebirth.

(written April 18th 2014)


Cerulean Waves,
Cornflower fields.
Seafoam stares at me
Blaring its sounds.
Winter blue by pale moolight.
Angry azure peaking 
Beneath outstretching tendrils
Towards the sky.
Danube yawns
An meanders away.
Aquamarine script
Speaks to me.
Navy patches
Splay before my eyes.

This last one is a poem I come back to again and again. Each time I read it personally it rings true, it makes me think and most of all it makes me feel.

Take a Moment

Everybody has a facade
They show the world,
A rationalization to themselves
For the reasons
They behave as they do.
Good, bad or indifferent
It is their way
Of dealing with life, 
And all the shit 
It slings at them.

I see beyond the faces
They present tot he world.
I do not judge
But instead 
Try to understand
The circumstances
Unique to each person
For why 
They act in untrue
And masking ways

Take a moment
To think
Of all the people
That infuriate you
And what it is
Each does 
That angers you so.
Now try to imagine
The accumulation
Of experience,
Past and present struggles
That could lead
To the path
They have chosen.

Really think,
Step outside yourself
And your
Limited worldview.
What do you see?
In their truest incarnation
Are all
Trying to survive
The angst, pain and boredom,
The circling darkness
That threatens
Their souls.

(Written January 20th 2014)

Enjoy, those of you that read this blog. Comment if you like, or not. 

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