Monday, April 13, 2009

Set Back

Ok, here's the update. I was doing just fine walking that first week. Walked 4 days that week at least a mile each day one day I even walked 1.75 miles. And then my toe which had been giving me some trouble finally was so bad I decided to go to the doctor. Turned out I had an ingrown toenail and they had to remove a part of it. So I have been recovering from that since last wednesday. It kind of bummed me out that I let it get so bad to begin with and hadn't thought to look online for a possible home treatment sooner (duh). I missed out on a couple of hikes I wanted to go on.

But as soon as the doctor gives me the ok to stop using the stupid surgical shoe they gave me I am going to get right back to my plan. I will just have to step it up a bit to be prepared for the 5K I am signed up for on the 25th of April. Now that the weather is getting warmer and warmer (and my husband is hell bent on loosing weight again) I plan to get out more to walk. And it will be nice to have some company, though I do enjoy it enough on my own the quiet communing with nature. Well what nature there is in my neighboor hood. It is mostly concrete but with a fair amount of trees blended in and even a few daffodils landscaped in. I love daffodils so that is always a treat.

On the losing weight fronteer I am going to try out a diet developed by Dr. Oz that maps it all out for you. You choose the foods and snacks you want to eat from a drop down menu and then it gives you the calories for the day and the recipes and grocery list. Anything to make it easier to stick to. Because after all I am a lazy sloth. But I am hoping to slowly change that. More and more I see people bouncing around and being active on tv and in movies and I wish I had the energy and figure to do those things. So I am going to work towards that. And also feeling better in general, less aches and pains, and living longer because I see a shorter lifespan in my future if I just stay the couch potato I am now.

So that is the news for now. More later as developments arise.

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