Saturday, January 17, 2009

2 ½ Weeks Later

So it has been 2 and a half weeks since the new year now and I thought I would post an update about my resolution. Well I have lost 3 which isn’t bad considering I actually started on the 5th instead of the 1st and was only diligent about exercising for 1 entire week out of the entire period.

Luckily I have been better about watching what I eat. I did fall back on my old habit of counting calories. It really is the best way to watch intake and keeps me from eating out as often since it is impossible to know how many calories are in foods at restaurants and fast food places. I do have a couple of resources for finding out calories for both what I cook and what I eat out, though it is much easier to find calorie counters for vegetable than the local Chinese restaurant. But, I reserve eating at those places on my built in “off” day each week. I mean I am only human and need some indulgence occasionally. So on that day I eat whatever I want without counting one single calorie. And what usually ends up happening is my stomach can’t hold as much as it used to by the time that day rolls around so I’m still not packing on as much as I once would have.

I did find charts to track calories eaten in a day and weekly exercise on my computer so all I had to do was adjusted the spreadsheets a little and not create them all from scratch. Whew, what a relief. It has been a long time since I have created a spreadsheet and left to my own devices I might never have done which would have seriously hindered tracking the progress of my new year’s resolution. Not that writing it down by any means insures I’ll do well but it can’t hurt.

So next week I NEED to get back to exercising. At first this week I used my husband’s hurt back as an excuse because I didn’t want to exercise alone. What a crock, really I just wanted to stay in bed nice and comfy. Then The bitter cold that came through our area dumping several inches of snow and dropping us in the sub-zero temperatures kept me from getting out of bed until I absolutely had to. But I am going to rededicate myself to being more fit, being healthier and having more energy come Monday.

Anyone else that might be experiencing a backslide in their commitment to their new year’s resolution to exercise and eat well can feel free to comment and we can commiserate, share advice or support each other’s efforts. Here’s to not giving up on being a better person!

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